Posted On : September 9, 2020

Are Buyer’s Agents Worth The Money?

Find your dream property faster, for a better price, and less stress with the help of a Buyer’s Agent

The benefits of using a buyer’s agent for a property purchase   

A GOOD buyer’s agent can save time, money, and stress, but are they worth the money?

“It’s a common question we’re asked,” Universal Buyers Agent property expert Brad Weston.

“Why use a buyer’s agent?

“Saving time is a big factor, most buyers don’t have the time to attend endless open homes every Saturday, trawl real estate websites and talk one on one with agents.

“We also have access to a huge database of opportunities unavailable to the general public, giving buyers an edge on the competition.”

Universal Buyers Agents has one of the largest databases of “off-market” properties in Queensland.

Off-market properties are homes or units which are not listed online either because the seller wishes to keep the details of the sale private or because they are not ready to invest in marketing costs to advertise online.

Mr Weston said as many as one in three sales take place off-market, so buyers who fail to look at alternative sources may struggle to find their dream property.

“We have a lot of opportunities through our network of agents,” he said.

“We’re constantly leveraging the relationships we have in the market to update our off-market opportunities and connect buyers with the best properties for their brief.”

He said using a buyer’s agent will also eliminate the stress of buying property, streamline the process and could save thousands in negotiations.

Rainbow Bay, Queensland, Australia

“We take the stress out of the deal, from the start all the way through to settlement,” he said.

“It’s a real turnkey operation.

“We’re not emotionally invested so we can go in hard and negotiate the best price for you.

“We can also use our network of partners to make sure the proper checks are done to identify any issues and ensure you’re not overpaying.”

Issues such as building defects, flooding and developments nearby could cost buyers in the long term.

“It really pays to have someone in your corner,” Mr Weston said.

“Buying a property can be the most exciting or stressful thing you ever do. We make sure the process is as simple and enjoyable as possible.”

Universal Buyers Agents offers an experienced and professional buyer’s agent service for those looking to buy a home or property. Contact us now to find out more information.